Patroclos, a Man Worthy of Glory and Respect

Patroclos is an officer of the Myrmidons which is Achilles’ army. He is also Achilles’ great friend and adviser. When the Trojans had the advantage in the battle over the Greeks, the Achaeans grew desperate in having Achilles back in their side for Achilles once withdrew his support from the army because of certain reasons. It came to the point that even Agamemnon was willing to give up his possessions just to have Achilles join the Achaean army once again. But Achilles constantly refused these offers of reconciliation and was firm on his decision that he will not return to the army no matter what happens.

There were moments in the war where the Greeks was definitely outnumbered and outperformed by the rallying Trojans headed by their Prince Hector who is a great warrior, capable of cutting down foes one after another. When this happens, the Achaeans lose their stability in battle then routs back to their camps. When the Greeks retreat, the Trojans run after them. This caused the great loss of morale of the Greek Army. The officers knew that there was only one solution to solve the problem of the loss of morale of the army; the solution is to bring back Achilles to the front lines to lead the Greeks in to glory. But the problem is Achilles does not want to go back in any circumstance. He believes that fighting in the war is just a mere waste of time for him and for his Myrmidon army. Patroclos was the one assigned to talk to Achilles about the said matter since he is a great friend of Achilles’. He tried his best in convincing Achilles to return but he failed. But he had one thing in mind, and that is to use Achilles’ armor for the army to think that Achilles is back in the battle. Achilles approved of this proposal by Patroclos and let Patroclos use his own armor in battle.

The Greek army rallied on when they saw Achilles’ figure running through the battlefield. Their spirits were lifted in the mere sight of Achilles, but what they didn’t know was that this figure is not really Achilles, it’s Patroclos himself disguised as his great friend. They fought the Trojans valiantly; they did not surrender for their spirits were renewed. They reached the walls of Troy, when suddenly Apollo, disguised as a Trojan soldier, wounded Patroclos. More soldiers rushed to finish him, and when they did, the men scrambled for the armor of Achilles then they found out that this was not really Achilles, but this man is Patroclos, disguised as Achilles. The Trojans were shocked to this sight, they believed that they were fighting Achilles but they were wrong all along. The Greeks were shocked as well, they thought that their great leader returned but they were fooled.

Patroclos was a man of great sacrifice and principle. He decided to wear Achilles’ armor because he knew that this certain act of his would turn the tides of the battle back to their favor. He knew that this will cost his life, but he readily gave this up. He gave the greatest sacrifice ever, which is one’s life for the sake of a more noble cause. He was a great warrior, to be able to lead his comrades in battle, and to be able to convince the soldiers that he really is Achilles. He is a man worthy of glory and respect.

1 comment:

  1. Score: 10

    Your journal characterized Patroclus very well! Congratulations!

    Miss Carmie
